Zero point
I know that you’re away
But you’re not gone
- Howie Day, Kristina
There’s a lot on my mind right now. Meaningful stuff, like trying to figure out what to do about my money situation, my time situation, what career path I should choose and follow. Things beyond my control, like the Iran situation and an eventual change in scenery. Stupid things, like the ridiculous amount of work staring me in the face over the coming weeks.
But tonight, all that is gone. I had to really focus to make that list, in fact.
A first kiss experienced in real time is wonderful, perhaps my favorite thing in the entire world. A first kiss slowed down to the speed of liquid glass…
Echoes fill my head.
I promise that more entertaining reading will return soon. But for now, be content to live vicariously through me as I enjoy the temporal ricochet of the better things the universe has to offer.
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