TV passed newspapers as a news source in 1963, same year newspaper readership began to decline. (News About the News)
Stocks and bonds surpassed real estate as the major component of average household wealth in 1995. (News About the News).
At its current price, The New York Times has a market worth of $653.6 million, making a purchase for under $1 billion easily conceivable. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. two years ago paid $5 billion for The Wall Street Journal…
According to the Smith Warren Group 2009 Outlook, households will have lost $13 trillion in this debacle vs. only 4.2 trilliion in the tech bubble.
According to Arnon Mishkin of Mitchell Madison, newspaper circ grew by only 3% in total, and yet the average size of a paper tripled and total revenue grew 5x. (Update: Great. I didn’t put in the time span and now I have no idea).
According to 7/09 Foreign Affairs, there are only 250 ATF agents covering the 2500-mile TX/MX border.
From Michael Massing in NYRoB:
Of all the dismal and discouraging numbers to have emerged from the world of newspapers—the sharp plunges in circulation, the dizzying fall-off in revenues, the burgeoning debt, the mounting losses—none seems as sobering as the relentless march of layoffs and buyouts. According to the blog Paper Cuts, newspapers lost 15,974 jobs in 2008 and another 10,000 in the first half of 2009. That’s 26,000 fewer reporters, editors, photographers, and columnists to cover the world, analyze political and economic affairs, root out corruption and abuse, and write about culture, entertainment, and sports.
From the NAA and noted on News After Newspapers:
Of those 7.9 billion hours spent online, time spent at newspaper Web sites was 45,022,485 hours. That’s less than 1 percent of all time spent online, or 0.56 percent.
Borrell on Newspaper revenues, 2005-14
Newsprint sales down 40% in 5 years; at least half that ran news. Ken Doctor estimates 828k fewer stories per year than before the cuts began:
“From 1970 to 1985, while daily newspaper
circulation grew by only 3% in total, the
average size of a newspaper tripled and total
revenue grew almost five-fold.” NEWSPAPERS: REWRITE