Nov 24 2008

The Final Countdown

Tag: Idiocykenn @ 7:42 pm

Hair metal, Arrested Development, and the Dairy.

I have no idea what the countdown is sitting at, so just let it be known that there will be no new posts here, and this will all shortly disappear, to be replaced with who knows what. I certainly don’t. If you like what you’ve read here, then keep reading at If you hate everything you’ve been reading here, then go head over to Fox News or some other benign site that sits better with you.


Nov 15 2008


Tag: Idiocykenn @ 8:32 pm

I’m not stupid enough to think that racism is dead, or even dormant. I live in the Deep South, after all.

If you feel disenfranchised by our President-elect because you disagree with his politics, that’s fine. I’ve been there. If you are worried because we now have a Muslim waiting to take office, or that our future President pals around with terrorists, or that your taxes are going to get raised — well, that tells me more about you than it does about anything else.

And that’s fine, too. I’m used to the idea that people are lazy enough to believe competition-driven lies without bothering to research the truth on their own.

But if you’re one of those advocating his assassination because of the color of his skin, or you think that his race disqualifies him? Well, let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that black — or any non-white, since you like extreme statements — people are inferior. The president that you probably voted for in the last two elections was utterly incompetent, and has probably done or supported the doing of more harm to our country than I could ever have imagined possible. It would take an act of whatever god you believe in for Obama to do more damage than W has for the past eight years.

So, with W being as white as they come, where does that put you? In the company of incompetence?

Does it truly scare you that much, that someone slighty different than you in such an immaterial way could be better, smarter, a President with more potential for good, than you?

The current state of the Union? Not nearly as intelligent as I would hope.

Nov 11 2008

Cyanide (really, more happiness…)

Tag: Idiocykenn @ 6:47 pm

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Nov 06 2008

Change indeed

Tag: Idiocykenn @ 4:36 pm

Among the many historic things from Tuesday, like me making it to 37, is this: for the first (and possibly, it wouldn’t surprise me, the last) time, I voted for someone rather than against a person or ideal. For all of Palin’s rhetoric about being an outsider, she’s as much if not more politician than anyone else; I genuinely don’t get that feeling about Obama. Yeah, I’m possibly wrong, and you can do your irritating little happy dance in two years when he reveals his great campaigning lies, but until then, I feel like we’ve put a normal guy in to the highest office of the US.

This is one of those things that everyone has to decide for themselves, sure, but every politician on the national level has struck me as untouchable, like a celebrity. Go back, though, and watch Obama’s last appearance on The Daily Show, and tell me he doesn’t have some sort of je ne c’est quoi that separates him from the rest. Or how about this little bit from the latest Newsweek:

The debates unnerved both candidates. When he was preparing for them during the Democratic primaries, Obama was recorded saying, “I don’t consider this to be a good format for me, which makes me more cautious. I often find myself trapped by the questions and thinking to myself, ‘You know, this is a stupid question, but let me … answer it.’ So when Brian Williams is asking me about what’s a personal thing that you’ve done [that’s green], and I say, you know, ‘Well, I planted a bunch of trees.’ And he says, ‘I’m talking about personal.’ What I’m thinking in my head is, ‘Well, the truth is, Brian, we can’t solve global warming because I f—ing changed light bulbs in my house. It’s because of something collective’.”

I can’t imagine having a few shots with Clinton or Palin or Kennedy. It’s partly the politician and, I’m sure, partly the fact that I’m not an Ivy League graduate from money with blind ambitions of power and control. And while I’m sure that Barack Obama wouldn’t fit in too happily at Bailey’s, at least I can imagine it happening in a somewhat real-world way. It’s that real-world quality that puts him in a league of (as of now and the foreseeable future) one.

Nov 05 2008

Change (yeah. We did.)

Tag: Idiocy, Video, pop culturekenn @ 9:35 am

I’m happy that change is afoot. I’m happy that it’s the change that I voted for. I’m hesitantly excited, seeing the potential but also aware of the possibilities for things to go horribly awry.

What makes me happiest, though, is knowing that people like Fred Shuttleworth, F.D. Reese, and James Armstrong — and my parents, and everyone else that fought on any level to bring equality (on at least a legislated level) to this country — got to live long enough to see the fruits of their labor. For all those that aren’t around to see it, at least there are some who can witness that their efforts weren’t in vain.

In the meantime, everyone watch this, and laugh. Because after the last 21 months, we can finally all start to breathe again, and laughter is just excited breathing, really…

Oct 22 2008

The Great SeeSaw of DOOOOOOOOM

Tag: Idiocykenn @ 3:49 pm

I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention?

To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.

-David Sedaris

Oct 19 2008

Another landmark down

Tag: Idiocy, extremes, pop culturekenn @ 10:00 pm

List item #287 that can now be checked off: attending a bigtime college football game.

Not that that’s a huge deal in and of itself, especially for those of you that went to a school with an athletic team. I, however, have never been a huge sports fan (excluding soccer, but even that’s more a playing thing than a viewing thing for me), and went to Montevallo, whose baseball and basketball teams saw smaller attendance than jazz band recitals and theater productions.* That, and Montevallo and UAB (where I finally got my degrees) can’t hold a candle to the size or success that a lot of schools have with their teams.

In the past, I’ve been to a few Braves games, one Cubs game, the ‘96 Olympics soccer matches that were held in Birmingham, and a few semi-pro (minor leagues and USFL) hockey and football games (did you know that Birmingham, Alabama, had a long running hockey team? Crazy, yeah?). I don’t really feel like I’ve missed out on much, but this weekend, when presented with the opportunity to go see the Alabama/Ole Miss game, it occured to me that I shouldn’t pass up the chance.

Let me clarify up front that the primary reason I went was to hang out with one of my oldest friends (26 years and running) who I don’t get to see as often as I’d like these days. But still, it was a major thing, different from anything I’ve ever seen. In fact, I think I may have remarked over ten times that I have no frame of reference for anything like what I experienced yesterday - the closest would be the pre-show ritual for some of the big-name concerts I’ve attended, and really that’s not even close.

Alabama is a huge school with a tremendously strong football program, past and present. If you’re not from Alabama (mid-state, especially), then you may not understand the emphasis that people put on college football (especially, obviously, the SEC), but it’s comparable to the fan base of big cities with hometown teams like the Yankees, the Cowboys, etc. To can these people fans, some of them, reminds you of the source of that term — fanatic. I’ve seen, over the years, relationships bonded and torn apart by football, fights and riots started by football… For someone who doesn’t live and breathe sports, who doesn’t have a connection to a specific team**, who really doesn’t like extremes, it’s an alien atmosphere.

I have a picture in my head of tailgating, and game day on campus is like that times ten, crossed with a carnival and a really weird family reunion. I guess it’s like this at other big campuses; again, no point of reference. And goofy me wearing his Georgia ball cap (to protect the head from sunburn, I swear). Food stands, merchandise tables everywhere, people walking seemingly aimlessly attempting to buy or sell tickets***… You’d never know that the economy is depressed. Tickets to the game are upwards of $50 a piece (face value), plus street fair-priced food, t-shirts, hats; it’s unreal, a step outside of the world I live in every day. The tailgaters — actually, tent people, hanging out with their grills under mini-carports covering the quads — have brought their 50 inch plasma screens so they can watch other games as the morning passes.

And this happens every weekend for the fall.

The game itself is sort of unremarkable, as experiences go. I’m familiar enough with football to know that Alabama will run up the score in the first half, almost lose in the second. If football followed the periods of hockey, I suspect that the Crimson Tide would never make the top ten in the polls, because that third period would kill them every time. The fans are as irritating to me as those I attend concerts with — they’re too loud, blocking my view by standing up in front of me when the watchable moments happen, too attached to something that is peripheral to the real world. But it’s a good enough game, and a fun time with my friend.

I add that either stadium seats need to be spaced a little wider on the bleachers, or people that weigh over 300 pounds should be required to buy an extra seat. And if you wave those godawful pompoms they hand out, keep them the fuck out of my ears if you’re behind me, please.

I really don’t see how people can do that every weekend. It’s too tiring. And too expensive. Wonder how UA can afford to pay Nick Saban four million dollars a year? Multiplying ticket cost by attendance and then adding in merch and TV revenues, and you realize pretty quickly: they’ve gotten quite the bargain.

Next up: the Grand Canyon, or hang-gliding. At least those won’t be as loud.

* Probably not true, but having never gone to a game at UM, I can only speculate.

** When I was a kid, I thought my dad had gotten his undergrad from Georgia, since he was from Atlanta. Turns out he went to Emory, and (ironically) got his Masters at Georgia Tech. Oops. Still, the red and black thing sticks with me.

*** Want to recover from the stock market crash? Buy Alabama home game tickets in pairs, then show up on campus on game day. Name your price. Drive home and eat steak. Holy Christ, scalpers at concerts don’t have a clue!

Oct 16 2008


Tag: Idiocykenn @ 10:28 am

We will miss her dearly but she is in a much happier place now.

Lilium Cruentus (Deus Nova)
On the Loss of Innocence
Music, lyric and arrangements by Daniel Gildenlöw

A Scene in Brown and Yellow:
At first I don’t know why your presence fills me with unease
Though I’ve missed you more than Life itself
I freeze
It’s like you’ve been lost and now you’re glad to see my face
But as you sit down my confusion turns to distress
Not knowing how to let you know that you are
(I wake up sweating)

They tell me you are better off
Where you are now
Well, I don’t care
They tell me that your pain is gone
Where you are now
Well, you left it here
See, I need to be strong
Need to be brave
I need to put faith in something
How could I live on
Not hoping we will meet

A Scene in White and Grey:
Under the icon’s weight the old thoughts lay
Under the cross so still and pale
The flowers usher the stale breath of Death away
And someone tries to sing
But the bird of song has lost its wings
Now it twitches
Rips the stitches of a chest where tears are torn
And where all loss begins

Life seems too small when Death takes its toll
I need something to blame for this pain

A Scene in Amber - Flawed:
And have you ever had that dream
Where one you love passes away?
And you wake up crying to a world
Where she’s long since gone
But you feel the pain
So close
As if she’d died today

But I need to be strong
I need to be brave
I need to put faith in something
How could I live on
Not hoping we will meet
Some day?

Earth to Earth, Dust to Dust
A verse we know too well
Like a nursery rhyme
Just in reverse
‘Cause we are all the little tin man
With hearts like little tin cans
And as we line them down with tears
Over the years
They inevitably turn
To rust

Life seems too small when Death takes its toll
I need something to blame for this pain
I try, I fail, I fall, like anyone you know
I break, I bleed, like anyone you know

A Scene in Blood on White:
Where the linen’s changed just for tonight
And somehow we beat her to this sight
This ghostly room of Exit
That she enters by the flicker of candle light
And in her breast
A desert storm is taking form
An old thirst that can never be quenched or killed
Sweeps over the cold
Broken but thousandfold

I think that if I ever should go deaf, it might be the one thing that I would be incapable of recovering from. I’m realizing consciously how much I rely on music to express myself — not just other people’s words, but the music itself. It can serve as a catalyst for physical release, a pillow when I’ve pushed myself too hard, a gateway into waking dreams.

Today, music is my blanket against the cold of the world and the best way I know to shine a light on memories of a departed friend.

Perhaps inside you
You were messed up like me
But to them you were whole and strong
A friend in their need
And what you left behind you
And what swept over me
Says that your life’s work
Rolls on and on
A piece of eternity
-Brian May, Just One Life

Oct 15 2008


Tag: Idiocykenn @ 4:27 pm

I understand that, as the frontrunners in the polls, the Democratic Party people are hesitant to stoop to pointing out the negatives — and that, in an ethics light, Palin doesn’t look too different from Bush (or, to be fair, 99% of politicians in the world). BUT… really, +/- 40% of the polled public, is this sort of thing acceptable to you? You can just look the other way — but a blowjob in the oval office is wrong? REALLY?

(ANCHORAGE, Alaska) Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whose reformer image took a hit in a report concluding she abused her powers to settle a family score, has skirted state ethics rules before for personal benefit and used her office to help friends and supporters, according to an Associated Press review of records. (article online at Newsweek)

He thrusts his fists against the posts and yet insists he sees the ghosts…

Oct 10 2008

The Nines

Tag: Idiocykenn @ 10:56 pm

Watching John August’s directorial debut, I was reminded that the best films are the most challenging. I’m looking at you, Donnie Darko and Southland Tales, L.A. Story and Playing By Heart. They’re the movies that seem lost in themselves, maybe, too clever for their own good, or Frankensteined out of disparate pieces that make no sense outside of their original context. Just when you’ve almost given up, though, something compels you to stick it out until the end, and the resultant feeling is so ethereal that it defies being put into words, like a good dream or that weird orgasmic feeling you get when your favorite song plays on your iPod.

I’m (somewhat surprisingly, at least to me) largely unaware of movie writers. For the life of me, I can’t remember the name of the DD/ST tales creator (quick Google search says: Richard Kelly. Oops.). But I know John August, because he was one of the two judges who gave me the right to tack “Award Winning” as a prefix to my screenwriter label. He wrote Go (which I’ve always liked), and Big Fish, and Corpse Bride and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And Charlie’s Angels, which I’ll hold against McG instead. And — though I can’t find them at the minute, buried as they are in a shoebox in a trunk in my shoebox apartment — he wrote me some very kind script notes which eventually were worked into the short film of Muckfuppet.

Because I recommend watching it — especially if you’re a writer — I will say as clearly as I can that his directorial debut is far better than mine.

The last five minutes of the film — when the pieces finally fall into place and you can start making sense of what’s been happening for the past ninety minutes — are, plainly, breathtaking. It’s apparent even without the special feature documentaries that there’s a strong autobiographical connection, and it’s made all the more natural and real because of it.

Again, having a hard time putting this into words. But I recognized a lot of Muckfuppet in The Nines, and it’s not a talent or ability thing (not at all — August is, arguably, a better artist (and inarguably a far superior craftsman) than I. It’s an intangible reality, that place where allegory and the world that we experience every day somehow become one.

All this to say: ignore whatever reviews you’ve heard about the movie, good or bad. Give yourself two hours distraction-free, and watch the movie. It’s not without flaws, but I’ll be damned if the big picture revelation at the end hasn’t erased specifics from my mind. Ryan Reynolds and Melissa McCarthy both do great jobs — anyone who thinks Reynolds is only good for smartass Van Wilder characters can find proof otherwise in this — while Alex Wurman’s score is beautiful and haunting.

And then drop by and tell him how great it was.

The Nines

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