Catching up
I ended up taking today off to burn off a soon-to-expire personal day from work. Good move, I realize now; I had too much to do, having finally and officially fallen behind in my outside-of-work-and-band life. Just little things, really, like shopping and laundry. No big deal.
And so I’ve spent the day caught up in the mundane minutiae of life, and I’m still feeling like I’m light-years away from where I want to be. I think maybe this nihilistic frame of mind might stem at least in part from the dream I was having when I woke (dreams involving ex-wives, places that we lived eight years ago, and extreme details like a telephone ring that I haven’t heard since then — those dreams are never going to end well, nor start the day properly).
But I did manage to enjoy a movie (The Station Agent) in the dead quiet heat of my apartment over my predictable Mexican dinner, and it’s still early enough that there are decent odds that I’ll hit my bed before midnight. So I guess it’s not all off-kilter.
Except that that makes it off-kilter…
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