616 - The Number of the Best
See, it’s not next Tuesday you have to worry about. It’s today. Although, if we want to get picky and specific, neither one really works, since next Tuesday is 6-6-06. So it’s like the day of the Neighbor of the Beast, not the Number.
By the way, the 616 thing is real, and funny. So all these years, the Satanists have been wrong (not to mention that they’ve been throwing the goat to the ghosts of Roman emporers, not the evil powers of Hell), and thousands of album covers and patches exist to prove it. Thanks, Slayer!
All this is symbolic and appropos of today much in the same way that some of you view Friday the 13th (me, I’ve always thought 13 was kind of a lucky number, and good for hockey masks, too). I fell asleep for 12 hours last night — dropped off after dinner at around 8 PM, and woke at 11 PM long enough to move from the den floor to my bed, reawakening at around 8 AM this morning. And I still didn’t want to wake up, because it’s the first day of June — the beginning of meteorological summer, the start of hurricane season, and rent day to boot.
I’m convinced that today will bring news of the worst kind. Or perhaps the best. I’m still undecided. Either way, I can guarantee that there will be no 8 PM bedtime for me tonight. No, I’ll be up late, probably working a little or a lot, slinging some alcohol both at you and in your honor (dow nmy own throat, that is), earning my ducats for another weekend.
And it’s not even Friday, yet.
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