Pat Robertson: voice of more Americans than I’d like to think.
From the BBC online:
On the programme, the 75-year-old preacher responded to a news item about the reaction of Muslims in Europe to the publishing of cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad.
The footage showed Muslims screaming “May Allah bomb you! May Osama Bin Laden bomb you!”
Mr Robertson said the pictures “just shows the kind of people we’re dealing with. These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it’s motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it’s time we recognize what we’re dealing with”.
He went on to say that “Islam is not a religion of peace”, and “the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not, is world domination”.
Mr Robertson said in a statement later he was referring specifically to terrorists as being motivated by Satan.
See, I want to imagine that Robertson is a fringe-type, a nutjob that no one will claim at dinner parties, one of those guys that has been around for so long that even people like my grandmother who watched him all the time would be forced to shake their head at statements like this, with a gentle roll of the eyes and perhaps a whispered, “Oh, Pat…”
You can hear the tsking if you try.
And yet, when I shake my own head enough to clear the cobwebs that Claritin-D (irony of the week: Claritin D is inversely proportionate to clarity) has strewn about my brainspace, I realize that, even if people are embarrassed in public that Robertson has his own TV show, too many of them are thinking exactly what he’s saying.
Hey, fundamentalist Christian bloggers that I’m aiming this at: remember the Crusades. Among other things.
Spirituality is a wonderful thing that is all too often warped and made pointed by religion.
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