The return of the great white beasts
It didn’t start out well — I got home from playing my show at 3 AM last night to find Adolf had jumped ship, too. And so I started walking the streets around my neighborhood, smoking way too much and finding absolutely nothing. Every hour or so, I ended upo back at my place, walking the few houses around mine to see if I can hear or spot one of the little bastards. Nothing.
Adolf’s huge, and they’ve both got claws and a mean streak, but I’m not convinced that either one is made for survival outdoors. Even beyond the cars, there’re a lot of stray cats, dogs, and probably large rats in a few-block radius of my house, and past the playing, I don’t know that Adolf or Ari would know what to do if attacked.
Fortunately, Adolf must have sensed that I was giving up on him, and came mewling out from underneath my house this afternoon (yeah, even fat, he can still squeeze himself into all sorts of strange places). He was the same talkative shit that he’s been all week, and that apparently drew Ari out of whatever hole in the ground she’s been hiding in for the past seven days — I could hear her through the closed windows upstairs when I took Adolf back inside. It took a little coaxing — and I’m fairly convinced that if I hadn’t just carried Adolf to the house, Ari wouldn’t have come anywhere near me.
It seems six days is plenty of time for a cat to start to go feral.
So I left the little buggers inside, with all the windows tightly shut. No more roof privileges for them. Ever. Or at least until I’m ready for them to run away.
Tonight, they pay for running away. I’m off to the store to get shampoo.
Bath time, bitches, cause I know you cats dig it so….
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Glad to hear the prodigal children made it home safely. If I went catting around for a week, the consequences would be much more dire than a loss of roof priveliges and a bath!
Comment by Spaceman Spiff — 9 March 2006 #
richard if you went catting around i’m sure you would come back with petite nerdy girls all stuck to your clothes.
congrats on getting the babies back! now go get them de-wormed!
Comment by elizabeth — 9 March 2006 #