Dear South Dakota: Fuck Off.
South Dakota: making Alabama look progressive.
Actually, I suspect that Alabama’s lawmakers are really pissed off that they didn’t think of this first. It’s not that I live in a state that is less conservative than South Dakota — just lazier.
No exception for rape or incest? I hope none of you assholes ever has a daughter or wife or grandchild that would need one of those exceptions that you’re trying to get rid off.
People are such shitbags in the name of religion.
The South Dakota law - approved by the governor on Monday - makes it a crime for doctors to perform terminations.
Exceptions will be made if a woman’s life is at risk, but not in cases of rape or incest.
(via Warren)
Although I think that Ces had the funniest reaction of all.
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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I thought the violation of the Constitution by the domestic spying programm was going to be my rant of the year. Like this law, if it overturns Roe v Wade, won’t add to that fiasco.
What are these people thinking??? (thinking too strong a word? )
Comment by mariemm3 — 8 March 2006 #